Friday, July 20, 2012

COOKING: Princess Jewel Flower Cupcakes!

I made these tonight! I saw this flower petal marshmellow design on Pinterest ages ago, but finally got to it tonight. I had nothing to decorate the top of the cupcakes with (the icing I was using had chunky sprinkles in it, so I couldn't put it in pretty flower designs or anything) so I decided to tackle the flowers. I was originally upset that I didn't have the correct small, singular colored sprinkles that you usually use for these flowers, but I think these sprinkles actually worked perfectly! I think they look a lot like princess jewels.

Before realizing I liked the look of all the colors together, I actually spent like 20 minutes separating the five itty bitty color sprinkles into separate colors. Yeah, I don't have patience for that!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

CRAFT: Princess Dolls

I made Katie some princess dolls this week as part of the car ride bag I'm creating for when we go on the Disney Cruise (a three and a half hour drive with a baby who doesn't always love car rides!)

Here's the ones I've made so far (hoping to continue with Mulan, Cinderella, Jasmine, etc)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

CRAFT: Cupcake Hat

Here's a Cupcake Hat, my own pattern:

CRAFT: Blue's Clues Dress

Katie's party dress!

The top part is crocheted, the bottom is all tulle.

COOKING & CRAFTS; Katie's Blue's Clues Party!

Katie's Blue's Clues Party, after a few months of preparing, has finally happened. It was a lot of crafting and cooking involved, so I thought I'd post pictures of the hard work!


Shovel & Pail

A giant Clue

The utensil/plate set up, with dark blue, light blue, and green colors

door fringe with clues

Party menu and fringe

Tissue paper pom pom

Thank you "dog bone" cookies

I used a pawprint stamp in gold glitter for these

Katie's high chair fringe

Blue's Clues Poster and Thinking Chair

Another giant clue

Streamers at the food table

The piano redecorated into the gift table with tulle puffs

Food labels that say "katie Belle's first birthday" on them

I wrote this below our stairs the night before

More tulle puffs

One of the many crocheted cupcakes I made for the thank you gifts. They opened up with thank you notes, cookies and blue's clue's character images inside

Here they are in the thank you basket

Nearly ready to go!

Decorated porch


Chocolate Chip cookies. Bill said they were perfect and my best ever. Of course, I didn't get any!

Reese's Peanut Butter Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Ganache
(First time I ever made Ganache - came out really well!)

Pail with "Sandy Pudding"

This is my failed cake. It had "Happy birthday Katie" written on the other side in icing between Blue's Clues ears. But all the fondant melted int he 95+ degree heat, and the ears sunk and pushed the fondant around, eventually collapsing part of it. I worked about 6 hours on it, so after some tears, I just turned it around.

The back up cake

Cake Balls - these were a big hit and were gone really fast!

The best Mac and Cheese Bill and I ever made (he had to help because I was having a melt down!), Sloppy Joes in my crock pot, and hot dogs off to the left.